Septic System Design and Planning

North East Classic Engineering has over 25 years experience in helping our customers plan, design, repair and maintain their septic systems. Before starting your project, we’ll meet and discuss your needs and concerns. We’re not only to design and build your system for you, but to make sure you understand the process. We’ll walk you through it from beginning to end and keep you involved to the level you need to make you feel comfortable. Below we’ve shared a high level description of our process.

Site Planning

North­East Clas­sic Engi­neer­ing will document and pro­vide spe­cific design details for instal­la­tion and/​or repair of a sep­tic sys­tem. Often there are sev­eral design meth­ods which can be uti­lized and exist­ing sys­tems may qual­ify for a vari­ance. Hence the Sys­tem Designer (North­East Clas­sic Engi­neer­ing) has a poten­tially sig­nif­i­cant effect on the cost of instal­la­tion or repair of a sep­tic sys­tem. We try to reduce those costs for you while pro­vid­ing a design that is safe for the environment. Site plans may include as appro­pri­ate, addi­tional fac­tors beyond min­i­mum spec­i­fi­ca­tions required by Local and Title V stan­dards (310 CMR 15.00).


NE Classic Engineering will work with you to come to an estimate that will be comfortable for you and us. Please contact us with any questions or concerns regarding pricing of services . Every project is different and there are many variables that will effect the final estimate.

Site Con­di­tions

Var­i­ous site con­di­tions such as soil char­ac­ter­is­tics, loca­tion of on-​site build­ings, prop­erty lines, lot size, water­courses, util­ity lines and loca­tion of any exist­ing or pre­vi­ous sep­tic sys­tems are specif­i­cally addressed in var­i­ous Local and State Reg­u­la­tions. The com­bi­na­tion of over­all site con­di­tions greatly influ­ences costs for instal­la­tion and/​or repair of a sep­tic system.

Permit Approval

A gen­eral over­all process which requires obtain­ing var­i­ous Local and State Per­mits includes:

  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of Site Con­di­tions includ­ing appro­pri­ate Soil Test­ing and Site Evaluation
  • Site Plan prepa­ra­tion and approval by Local and as nec­es­sary State Health Departments
  • Sep­tic Sys­tem Instal­la­tion includ­ing nec­es­sary oversight
  • Per­mit to Dis­charge (uti­lize sys­tem) includ­ing nec­es­sary as-​built con­struc­tion documents

NE Classic Engineering is here to help you in obtaining all necessary local and state approvals and permits to begin and complete your septic project.  We’ll even help you in obtaining financing and tax credits!